What is myMITC?

A: myMITC is our web based program that allows employees to clock in/ out, check their timesheets,
view their schedules, and see open shifts.

I accidently clocked in instead of out, how can I change my time?

A: Under your Timesheet, click on the blue time link that is incorrect and change your clock in type to
β€˜in’. Your Supervisor will review your changes.

I added my times in my timesheet under the wrong day, how can I correct it?

A: Under your timesheet, click on the incorrect times entered and include a Note that you did not work
this day and it needs to be removed. Your Supervisor will review your changes.

**Please remember that being paid for times not worked is considered Timecard Fraud. Any
employee committing timecard fraud will be subject to disciplinary action, which may result in

My timesheet shows red times and the hours are not adding up. What happened?

A: It is possible that your times are not lining up correctly on your timesheet. Each clock in must have a
clock out at the same location (job pin). For example, if you have multiple clock ins at different locations
and only one clock out your timesheet will appear in red. Please add a note to the incorrect times, if
they need to be removed, or correct the times, job pin or type. Always include a note when editing your

I am having trouble with myMITC. How can I get that fixed?

A: Please fill out the myMITC Help Form here.

Click here to view myMITC Overview & Training powerpoint presentation.